Wednesday, 17 September 2014

If a tree falls in the forest, is it still a tree?

Hello everyone, my name is Jo and I’m a Doctor Who fan. My long bumpy ride in the time vortex started in 1996. I’d like to say that it was solely the story and fantastic history of Doctor Who that drew me into the Whoniverse but I think it probably also had a lot to do with Paul McGann’s face and his alarmingly bright blue eyes. As with most things I seem to be drawn towards I usually become a fan just before a show goes off air/ the show is a one off or in the case of music the band doesn’t record an album for ages/disband. Thankfully there was plenty of Doctor Who stuff to investigate in the long, long gap between the TV movie and new series.

For the past few weeks I’ve been popping along to a regular Sunday evening Doctor Who themed meet-up, along with Lux, at the Crystal Palace pub on Jamaica Street. A somewhat unlikely venue choice for The Glasgow Doctor Who Society gatherings but the drinks are cheap and if you’re peckish they do a great cremated burger for under a fiver. It’s very well attended with a wide range of folks of different ages coming from different backgrounds and countries too... and they’re all really lovely. The meeting is usually held twice a month but as the series is currently airing it’s every week.

The subject matter of discussions tends to veer quite quickly into non-Doctor Who territory although there is a fair share of show related talk – I have to say it’s not often a black hole and 4D space is explained to you using a large plastic food menu. The evening nattering can also produce nuggets of wisdom such as “if a tree falls in the forest, is it still a tree?” and “that’s not beef, it’s steak”. I’ve made some great friends there already and I can’t wait to see everyone again on Sunday.

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